For Suppliers
Euro CanTech is a conference for metal packaging manufacturers based in the Europe. The conference assembles technical experts from global suppliers and their customers, maximizing the channels of communication between key decision makers in the European metal packaging industry and providing can makers with access to the latest in efficient and flexible production technologies.
Euro CanTech will follow the same successful format of Asia CanTech. Suppliers find the all-inclusive conference, dinners and networking opportunities provide a useful and cost-effective option for meeting customers, both new and existing, in a professional and personal setting.
The Euro CanTech Conference
The conference is structured as an all-inclusive event that runs over three days. Registration takes place during the afternoon of the first day, along with the Tabletop Exhibition and networking with complimentary refreshments. This is followed by cocktails and a full sit-down welcome dinner for all delegates.
Keynote speeches and technical presentations run on Days Two and Three. The Exhibition Hall is open on all three afternoons, offering suppliers the opportunity to display products and distribute technical information to can makers and fillers. Towards the end of these sessions, complimentary refreshments and a bar are set up in the Exhibition Hall to create a social networking atmosphere.
The evening of Day Two is the Gala Dinner featuring fine food and entertainment.
The Supplier attendance fee includes two nights’ accommodation at the hotel, all meals from dinner on Day One to lunch on Day Three, plus entry into presentations, Technical Forum and the Exhibition Hall.
Presentations and Tabletop Exhibits
Presentations are given in 20 minute slots. These are always very popular and can sell out quickly.
In the Exhibition Hall, tabletop exhibits offer the opportunity for suppliers to display their products and distribute technical information to delegates. Complimentary refreshments are offered, creating a relaxed yet professional networking environment.
Who attends the conference?
Can makers and fillers who attend the show are decision-makers with purchasing power. Titles range from general directors and plant managers to presidents. Suppliers attending the show are expertly qualified to address technical aspects of production. They include CEOs, vice presidents and technical directors.
Who we are
CanTech International, published by Bell Publishing, is the key source covering all aspects of the global metal packaging industry. The magazine, weekly e-newsletter and website are the major information resource for can makers and fillers. For more information visit
What’s included
All packages are inclusive of:
- two nights’ accommodation at the hotel (Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 March 2018)
- full sit-down networking dinner for all delegates on Monday 19 March, and attendance to the Gala Dinner on Tuesday 20 March
- breakfast and lunch on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 March
- entry to all keynote presentations, seminars and the exhibition hall
- conference pack including list of all attendees.
Silver Package is for attendance only with the above inclusions.
Gold Package also includes:
- 1 x Tabletop in the exhibition hall for you to promote your company, products and to hand out your own promotional material
- 1 x VIP invitation for you to bring a can maker (NOT an agent, colleague or other supplier) to attend the whole conference
Platinum Package also includes
- 1 x VIP invitation for you to bring a can maker (NOT an agent, colleague or other supplier) to attend the whole conference
- 1 x 20 minute presentation for you to promote your company to the attendees
- 1 x Tabletop in the exhibition hall for you to promote your company, products and to hand out your own promotional material
Early Bird rates (before 31 October 2017)
- Silver Package: €1,265 / $1,690
- Gold Package: €2,235 / $2,890
- Platinum Package: €2,940 / $3,870
Regular rate (from 1 November 2017)
- Silver Package: €1,420 / $1,910
- Gold Package: €2,345 / $3,110
- Platinum Package: €3,110 / $4,090
To pay by cheque or bank transfer please request an invoice.
After 16 February 2018: Late Booking Fee
A late booking fee of $100, €80 per delegate will be added to all bookings made AFTER 16 February 2018. This includes ‘on foot’ delegates who do not pre-book.
Terms and conditions
Accommodation and additional nights
This booking rate includes accommodation for two nights, 19 and 20 March ONLY.
These hotel reservations will NOT automatically be made for you. You will be sent a link to the hotel reservations site and you are responsible for making your own reservations.
If additional nights are required you can also book these via the hotel reservations link, however you are responsible for the cost of additional nights.
Booking conditions
Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment. Discounted fees will only apply when the registration is received within the offer period. If payment is not received before the conference, delegates will be asked to guarantee payment at registration and will be subject to the Late Booking Fee. If you are not able to attend a substitute delegate will be accepted. Cancellations must be received in writing prior to 16 February 2018 to qualify for a full refund. Cancellations received after 16 February 2018 do not qualify for a refund.
Delegate badges must be worn for the full duration of the event and cannot be transferred. Anyone seen without a delegate badge in the conference areas will be asked to leave.
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timing and venue. In the unlikely event the conference is cancelled, curtailed or relocated, we do not accept any responsibility for any travel and/or accommodation cost or consequential losses incurred. We therefore recommend appropriate insurance cover.
Data protection notice
The personal information you give on this form will be held on a database by Bell Publishing Ltd but will not be made available to any other company. Delegates may have their name, job title and company details made available to other conference attendees. If you do not wish this to happen please notify [email protected].